Dolly Review: Barbie Hair Fair 50th Anniversary Edition

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

Did you know Mattel put out a 50th Anniversary Barbie Hair Fair? We didn’t until this past week, when my mom discovered it while browsing Target’s website. Since she had some Christmas money, she ordered it.

Brabie Hair Fair

Brabie Hair Fair

Here’s a short review on Barbie Hair Fair! According to my mom, this is more of a hybrid between Hair Fair Barbie and Hair Happenin’ Barbie. Hair Happenin’ Barbie (and friends) was released in 1971 and came with a complete Barbie (head, body, outfit and fancy hair extensions). Hair Fair Barbie was a head with hair extensions that you could use on your own Barbie bodies (by swapping the heads). It was released between 1967-1972 in various versions. So, for this to be a true, 100% replica of Hair Fair Barbie, the package would have really only included a head, which clearly wouldn’t have worked with today’s Barbie line.

Brabie Hair Fair

Besides the nicely done vintage sculpt and face paint, there are three other things that are worth pointing out. First, she has painted finger and toe nails. I love how older Barbie’s have that little detail! Second, she has old school click knees that have weight to them! Hair Fair Barbie feels like she’s worth the money spent for her, because her body isn’t a cheap hollow body. My mom was very excited about this feature. I was, too! The third thing worth noting is that her outfit doesn’t use a snap, but a small little button/loop, true to the outfits of that time.

Hair Fair Barbie comes with four hair extensions that you can use to easily change up your Barbie’s hair! Three are blonde: a headband of braids, a long braid that can be wrapped around your Barbie’s head and long hair extensions. One is brunette: a cute flip style hairdo. Her ‘out of the box’ style is super cute. I love the short bob cut in platinum blonde. It looks great with the mod outfit! We added a little water to Barbie’s stylish bob, because it was pretty stiff.

Speaking of the outfit, this is not a replica of Hair Happenin’ Barbie’s look and or Hair Fair (as there was no outfit provided with the head and extensions), so I can’t place it. If this is a replica outfit, share the name in the comments. The outfit, reproduction or not, looks super fab! It works really well with the long, statement making earrings Barbie wears!

Mattel did a good job of re-creating the vintage style face. Below, you’ll see a vintage Living Barbie (left) and the reproduction Hair Fair Barbie (right). My mom and I both agree that the biggest change seems to be in the length of the face. The reproduction looks like she has a slightly longer face than other dolls of that time. And yes, both have rooted lashes!

Overall, this is a pretty awesome reproduction Barbie. I’d say, it’s one of the best! You can’t go wrong with the click knees, cool vintage face and easy to modify hairstyles! What do you think of Hair Fair Barbie? Do you have one in your collection? Do you think Mattel did a good job? Share your thoughts in the comment area!

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January 7, 2018. Tags: Review. Uncategorized.