Dolly Review: A.W.S.O.M Pets (The Queen’s Treasures)

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

While browsing the clearance/returns shelves at our local Target, I stumbled upon an A.W.S.O.M Pet Tabby, manufactured by our friends at The Queen’s Treasures! This furry friend is adorable and scaled to look great with your 18″ dolls. I remember seeing this line at Toy Fair a few years back when The Queen’s Treasures had them in prototype mode, so it’s a pleasure to be able to handle one in person!

What I was immediately drawn to with this Tabby cat was her face. I love the expression The Queen’s Treasures gave her. It’s adorable! They also did a great job with the direction of the soft fur. It adds to the realism that is present with this miniature kitty.

Much to my disappointment, the Tabby isn’t articulated. Thankfully, it’s posed in a way that looks natural. I like the slight arch in her back. I just wish they’d found a way to make the kitty articulated with, at the very least, a moving tail. One other small thing that irks me is the large tag located on the Tabby’s stomach. It’s a bit more noticeable than I would like.

To see all the pets available, check out The Queen’s Treasures website. If you choose to order one, 10% of the proceeds from the sale will go to AWSOM, a Non-Profit No-Kill Shelter, located in Pennsylvania, home of The Queen’s Treasures. Overall, though, I really do like this kitty! She’s well made and looks adorable. What do you think of A.W.S.O.M Pets from The Queen’s Treasures? Which Pet is your favorite? Let me know in the comment area!

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January 7, 2018. Tags: Review. Uncategorized.