Dolce Far Niente

By Atulsharmasharma
In our hurried lives, there is no place for dolce far niente. I still remember an old friend who was a fan of dolce far niente. He could be seen embracing it with all his heart, ‘It helps me to still my mind, relax, and take a deep plunge into nature. I pull all the sweetness of God into me by using dolce far niente. It is far better than meditation. I just use it to refuel myself for daily life battles. A kind of divine energy enters my mind mopping off all my fears, anxieties, and worries. I feel at peace in my heart.’
And in our world the Italians do it best. They can be seen embracing it into their lives and allowing life to take its own course. Great writers use it to call the muse which allows them to fill their pages. You may find it useless, worthless but still give it a try, it will rejuvenate your soul.
And ending your wonderment regarding the phrase, dolce far niente is Italian which takes life into English as:
    the sweetness of doing nothing