Doing What's Right, Not What's Expected

By Mrsebiology @mrsebiology
I have been doing a lot of things because I think people expect me to do them.
  • I've been assigning homework that is pretty much busy work when I know students won't do it, but I've been told to assign it.
  • I've been using activities and worksheets that have been used in the past because I've been told that's the curriculum and I have to use them.
  • I chose a "safe" class to be observed rather than a class with which I am having difficulty...and I wanted the difficult class to be observed so I could get some feedback, but was strongly advised against it by a colleague.
  • Speaking of that difficult class (mostly seniors), I was told to use stickers, candy, and gentle shaming to get them to behave. 
  • I've been using cookbook labs because I was told I had to do them because they're in the curriculum map.

I feel like I've been forced into doing a lot of things that I know aren't good for kids simply for the sake of fitting in to a new place.  I realize I can't do these things anymore, these poor practices.  It doesn't feel right.  It doesn't feel like me.  And, more importantly, it's not doing kids any real good.  
I have to keep my eye on the real reason why I'm teaching - to help stretch students and help them practice real learning.  Especially if fitting in is simply reinforcing the status quo where students simply mark time through school, coming out unchanged and not really prepared for the mental rigors that life has in store for them--and not able to excel at life rather than merely survive.
I have to do what's right, not just what's expected.