Doing Things the Old-fashioned Way. You Know, Like in the 70′s!

By Zen_sheila @BeZensational

So many times in this fast paced world we make snap decisions.  Remember when we had to wait to get home to call someone… or stop at a phone booth?  Or like when we wanted to see what was happening in the world, we’d turn the news on at 6pm or wait til 11?  Now-a-days everyone has a cell phone, and the news can be broadcast instantly 24/7.

Many people don’t think before they speak or act.  We scan a situation and blurt out our first reaction without a thought.  In the “old days” we would have an argument and have the rest of the day to get over it before calling the person when we returned home.   Now we are texting arguments with our unlimited usage plans.  There is no excitement to build during the day, because we can communicate instantly.  Sometimes “instant everything” is nice, but sometimes it’s not.  More often than not we type out something that is best left in our heads until we have time to mull it over (or forget about it all together, lol)

I’m going to challenge myself to spend more time doing things the “old fashioned” way… sending a handwritten letter,  making a phone call instead of sending a text, and meeting a friend for coffee — where we can sit in a comfortable booth instead of in a Facebook chat room — and catch up on life.

Here’s to the old days!