Doing Dallas.

By Megthamama

Dallas kicked my booty.

H had a business trip in Dallas last month, and because BFF Katie lives there and has a little buddy, Jax and I packed our bags and made the journey with H. I've never been above inviting myself.

We arrived in Dallas and Jaxon Riley went NUTS! He LOVED LOVED being in a hotel room. You would have thought that we had walked into a room full of Curious George stuff! He laughed and yelled and checked out everything! He was so stinking excited! We have GOT to get that kid out more.

Dallas about did me in.

Next business trip we crash with H, I'm gonna have to hire a nanny.

This single parent thing during working hours is for the birds.

It was my mission to exhaust Jax everyday. However, my plan backfired and did me in.

Monday: Dallas Aquarium and sight seeing Downtown.

This seems easy, but remember, we had 2 babies in tow. (Katie and sweet Greyson joined in all of the fun festivities of the week).

The Aquarium was great! It reminded me so much of the one in NOLA.

Tuesday: Lego Land.

Wednesday: Play Street Museum and sightseeing Plano, TX.

Thursday: Dallas Zoo.

Dallas was great, but exhausting and a lot of work when you take on a city without your man for back up. 

Next Dallas trip, I need the weather to be 30 degrees cooler and a little less exhausting.