Dogs Win: Godaddy Follows Our Advice & Pulls The #Godaddypuppy Super Bowl Ad

Posted on the 27 January 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

It was just 8 hours ago when we posted the Godaddy Super Bowl Ad known as the #Godaddypuppy which went tragically wrong.

Now the CEO of Godaddy has given in to the overwhelming condemnation of the ad and announced the commercial will not air during the Super Bowl.

Had they reached out to anyone in the industry before hand like myself, we would have told them there we;re heading down the wrong path, but after investing what is probably million of dollars towards this campaign GoDaddy wisely followed our advice and pulled the ad.

Its still an issue for me that executives  at Godaddy green lighted the ad and somehow thought it was a good idea.

However, for now it appears that the internet, social media, Twitter and the hearts of America have won the day and Godaddy made the decision to take its lumps and call it a day, burn the film as we recommended earlier today and go with something else.

Anything else.

Our Yorkie’s Romeo and Juliet are very happy.

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