Chastity pants for dogs hits the streets of Taiwan | photo: uroPics[CEN] via Daily Mail
Is this the next big sensation to hit the Pet World? Too keep the prowling eyes away from stray dogs, many dog owners in Taiwan are dropping (£25 ) $40 USD to outfit their female pups with a pair of "chastity pants" to curb unwanted attention from other stray male dogs Dog clothing designer Zhang Daxing is the creator of the dog "chastity pants" for female dogs and said "It is very upsetting for owners to find their dogs being attacked in the streets. "These pants now make it impossible for them to be assaulted," according to the Daily Mail.
Gaining popularity with Taiwanese dog owners, dog lover Chi Sun is quoted as saying "It's a brilliant idea. My girl is very sensitive and I find it very offensive when these rough strays start sniffing around her."
Source: Daily Mail