Dogs and Music, a Harmonious Pair

By David13676 @dogspired

Dogs and Music, a Harmonious PairI live by a simple credo: Dogs, Friends, and Rock ‘n’ Roll. The vast majority of the writing I do is music related (reviews, interviews, insight, trend spotting, and so on). I never thought that it would merge with my passion for puppies, but it has. It’s no secret that music can stimulate a variety of reactions in all sorts of beings. Recent research from the University of Belfast suggests that the right sounds might be the quickest, least invasive way, to calm your dog.

According to the study, dogs seem to relax to soft, slow strains, while loud or drum-based music often agitates them. With this in mind, the Guide Dogs for the Blind training facilities tested music that was specially composed to calm pets. Believe it or not, it worked so well that the training facilities became the first to place their endorsement on a series of CD’s composed to trigger emotional responses from dogs–everything from calm to happy.

Music can be used as a training tool for anxious dogs. When a calming sound is associated with a positive experience, such as cuddling or playing, the memory associated with that sound can bring about the same positive reaction. This means that music can, in proper practice, be used to help dogs cope with stress, panic, and even separation anxiety.

Just a little music each day, conveniently turned to a low volume as the dog sleeps, can help relax a pup and alleviate behaviors that coincide with canine stress, including chewing and barking.

The CD’s are great, and include Doggone Songs and Ask the Animals: Songs to Make Dogs Happy!, but there is a certain advantage to playing music from your own collection. Softer songs with less rhythmic drive and more emphasis on melody are great for your furry friends, and if they can associate the sound with you, it’s even better. A piece of classical music or a soft love song can be calming to your dog, especially if the composed songs come with the image of something familiar, loving, and nurturing: You.

Personally, I know that my puppies love anything from The Cinematic Orchestra, to a little music box I have that plays Love Story (Where Do I Begin?).

Music is a great tool to help calm and train your dogs, and it’s something you can enjoy just as much as they do. Next time your pups are sleeping, put on a little Mozart and see whether or not you find yourself a little calmer too.


Tags: dog tips, Dogs, Fun, Music, Training