Doggone It, Homeless Kids

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

Funny thing is, ironywise, this morning, I met Pat LaMarche on the internet because Alternet had an article about her tour titled Pit Bulls, Mama Bears and Fire-Breathing Dragons, oh my… I was a tad perturbed by the negative image of rabid pit bulls and told her so… AND that started our conversation rolling… she is a pit bull fan actually and she thought that the analogy of her being like a pit bull is not a bad thing… it is actually a compliment… ok then…

some pit bulls are teaching homeless kids to learn to trust again…


Starting today, Jan. 22 in Little Rock, AR and rolling westward for a month through Steinbeck-land and beyond, Pat LaMarche and Diane Nilan will strive to call attention to and raise compassion for homeless children and youth. They’ll collaborate with local activists and hold events, including film screenings (My Own Four Walls and on the edge: Family Homelessness in America), book talks (Left Out in America and Crossing the Line), and meet with mayors to survey them about local homelessness issues and efforts.

Both HUD and the Mayors gloss over the fact that millions of kids—babies, toddlers, school-age, and youth—are homeless. And, homelessness hurts, especially if you’re a kid.

It hurts your chances of success, it trashes your most formative years, it ruins your health, it undermines your academic performance, it devastates your self esteem, it shatters your friendships, it obliterates your sense of security and stability, and I could go on and on….

Ask any reasonable and knowledgeable person in any community if they think we’re doing enough to meet the needs of kids and families without homes. No. Ask these knowledgeable persons if their mayor is aware of this gap in housing and services. No. The Babes of Wrath aim to change that.

Homelessness hurts. And kills.

And if you would like to donate pet food for pets of homeless kids and families, please contact me at prmatchmaker at… Cici and I have a feeding Pets of the Homeless collection site where we receive pet food donations and give the food to the homeless. thank you.