Dog Waits Outside Dead Master’s Home Every Day for 5 Years

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

WARNING: This post will break your heart.

For more than five years regardless of the weather or the season, a dog in Malu Mare, a village in southern Romania where the temps go below freezing in winter, has spent every day waiting outside his dead master’s house.

Oli Smith reports for the UK Express, May 3, 2016, that the dog has sat in exactly the same spot, guarding the entrance of the now uninhabited house. Passers-by feed the dog every day but the animal refuses to let anyone inside the courtyard.

Village residents believe the loyal dog is waiting patiently for his master to return to his home. Efforts were made to re-home the pooch, but every time he was moved, the dog simply runs back to his former home.

The dog’s name is unknown as those who live close by say the owner was notoriously private and they knew nothing about him or his faithful companion.

The dog has won the hearts of a small army of fans.

Village mayor Alexandru Dicu said: “The dog is not aggressive, but won’t let anyone in, it just guards the property. The dog is waiting for its master. It looks sad. You rarely find this sort of attachment in a person. Someone who would love you so much that they wouldn’t leave the place where you spent your time with them.” Village vet Doru Safta added: “Locals should create better conditions for the dog where it is, give it a kennel, feed it every day, and give it water. Taking this dog away from the place where it waits for its master is the worst thing people could do to it.”

Here’s a video of the faithful dog.
