DOG Video: Welcome to the DOG Wash!

By Hausofpaws @hausofpaws
DOG Video: Welcome to the DOG Wash!
As most civilized human beings, we take showers and sometimes baths. Many of us look forward to the daily ritual of being clean. But for these group of individuals a bath can a daunting task. For whom you might ask? DOGS!
DOG Video: Welcome to the DOG Wash! In the Pet World the very thought of a bath can either scare or conjure up feelings of excitement for a dog. Many dog owners know this all too well as they can watch their pooches run the other way once they realize that the inevitable is coming. In this video by the Pet Collective, we see three dogs prepare, anticipate and finish their ritual of taking a bath. As we watch, we notice anticipation in their eyes and the way they communicate their wonderment as we see them reach, jump and shake 'til finish.
DOG Video: Welcome to the DOG Wash! Watch  captivating video of how these dogs handle the ritual of taking a bath:
Video from PetCollective