Dog Mom Multitasks with Kittens

By David13676 @dogspired

ChloeFamilies come in all shapes and sizes these days, but one Tennessee family is showing that this also applies to our four-legged friends.

Meet Chloe the dog.

“She had puppies back in August,” said pet owner Rebecca Thomas. “They all survived. She nursed them all. She was really good to them — really good mom.”

Well, those maternal urges didn’t go away when the puppies did.

“I saw one nursing, and I thought, ‘Oh, it’s not going to get any milk. It needs to nurse on mommy. We’ve got to stop this,’” said Thomas, referring to the kitten nursing on Chloe. “I pulled it away and saw milk and realized the kitten’s fine. She’s getting milk.”

When the WBIR news crew arrived, Chloe was busy nursing two kittens.

“Her and the mommy cat come in, and they take turns,” said Thomas.

Momma cat and three of the kittens were nowhere to be found.

Chloe wandered off to find them, and a few minutes later, momma cat was back with one more kitten.

Only time will tell how this unique family will turn out.

“They haven’t started barking or growling, and Chloe isn’t meowing,” said Thomas.

~ Courtesy of NBC10

Tags: dog and kittens, dog kitten family, dog nurses kittens, dog takes in kittens