Dog Keeps School Safe

By David13676 @dogspired

atticusOak Hills High School has a new employee.

The school district purchased Atticus, a black Dutch Shepherd dog, who will help patrol the halls and parking lot of high school five days a week.

The 8-month-old puppy can sniff out drugs and firearms and is trained to bite an attacker.

“We came up with the idea after the Sandy Hook shootings,” said Mark Gomer, owner and trainer at American Success Dog Training. “I approached the school district and they loved the idea.”

Gomer said he has a vested interest in the school district as three of his children go to school there.

“This, to my knowledge, this is the first time this has ever been done,” he said. “This could change the way that schools protect their kids and keep every body safe from here on out.”

The district will pay $10,000 for the dog from the permanent improvement fund which pays for items such as security. The district will pay $5,000 in fiscal year 2014 which started July 1 and another $5,000 will be paid in fiscal year 2015. The money includes payment for Atticus, his training so far and continuous training over the next two years.

The guard dog learned short commands in German.

“The commands are commands that people wouldn’t normally know and they’re sharper,” he said. “We’re able to condition these bites and have a dog that can take out a bad guy and protect the school without making that dog vicious or unstable at all.”

Gomer said he has been socialized to be friendly with children and other people in the school. Atticus will be working alongside hall monitor Garry Hornsby during the day and go home with principal John Stoddard each night.

“I’m like his ride to work and his ride home,” Stoddard said.

Hornsby said he’s glad Atticus will be his sidekick.

“I’m looking forward to having a buddy walk with me,” he said. “He has a lot of energy. I wish I had as much energy as he does.”

Hornsby said they will make rounds together and escort any student that needs to go to the office or other locations during classtime. He will also make occasional trips to the middle schools in the district.

Superintendent Todd Yohey said Atticus’ main goal is to keep students safe.

“The great asset of having Atticus in the building every day is for him to serve as a deterrent,” he said. “Students and adults will think twice about what they transport into the building.”

Atticus’ first day of work is Aug. 21 when the students return for classes.

Yohey said, “We consider him a staff member.”

~ Courtesy of

Tags: dog patrol, drug dog, firearm dog, guard dog, school dog, sniffer dog