Dog Cornhole Champion of the World

By Kidfreeliving @kidfreeliving

I’ve had a web development company (Vansant Creations) since 1997 that pays the bills (Shockingly, writing novels isn’t the e-ticket to riches.) That’s nearly twenty years of being a professional nerd. That’s long enough that I’ve been around since the early days of the web and long enough that  it’s really embarrassing that I didn’t invent eBay or anything else that sent me straight to early retirement.

One of the perks of owning a web development firm, is that occasionally someone needs a website who has something I want. Then I can do a little bartering. I love trading websites for things I want (Yes, I’m talking to you, Ryan Reynolds.) So when Davis Custom Cornhole contacted me about a site, I was excited! I’d been wanting to get a custom cornhole game for a while.

If you’re not familiar, cornhole is that game where people throw bean bags at a board with a hole in it. You throw four bags and get one point for landing on the board and three for getting it in the hole. It’s a great game to play with another couple (we play with the sister and bother-in-law) and you can totally play it while cocktailing. That way you can drink and feel like you’re getting outdoorsy exercise at the same time, and it’s a lot safer than drunken rock climbing.

So, bam! We finally had our custom cornhole set. Isn’t it gorgeous? See if you can guess my husband Mike’s favorite football team:

We played for the first time this Sunday, just me and Mike, and I crushed him! Three games to nil! He then crushed me the next day so hold your applause.

Of course, our version of the game isn’t exactly regulation. We have an additional hurdle to overcome: A labradoodle goalie.

I’m pretty sure the professional leagues don’t have a rabid Labradoodle guarding the board like a bridge troll, frothing to fetch the bags back to you as soon as you throw them.

That took a little time to work out.

So much so, that we taught him how to play.

I told Mike he’d never drop it in the hole, but of course he did. Mike’s response?

“I told you – leave him with me for a week and I’ll have him doing calculus.”


Both Gordon the Labradoodle and we thank  Davis Custom Cornhole for the beautiful boards! You can see a gallery of their work here, though they can do just about any artwork. Get Harry Potter wrestling Batman if that’s what flips your cookie. If you’re in the Maryland area, pick yourself a set and have some fun this summer!*

*Labradoodle not included.