Does Your Behaviors Equal Your Goal?

Posted on the 22 June 2013 by Dave Nevue

Does Your Behaviors Equal Your Goal?

Setting goals will push you farther than you thought possible. Goals can also make you never reach your full potential if they are not planned appropriately. Goals are nothing but a stepping stone to your next step. If you can not reach that step you will be at a standstill. Goals should be achievable but at the same time challenging. When you are setting up a goal,whether it is for fitness or something else in your life, you need to take a look at what it will take to achieve that goal. If you can not put in what it takes to achieve a goal within the timeframe that you have set you will fail. You need to ask, “Do your behaviors equal your goals?”

An individual can dedicate three workouts a week for thirty minutes a day. His/her employment is behind a desk for ten hours. After work, time is spent bringing the children to their activities. Dinner is late in the evening and most nights takeout. The weekend is filled with chores that have been left during the busy week. Grocery shopping is often missed.

With this type of lifestyle it would be almost impossible to be able to burn one thousand calories a day. Instead of setting up a goal that will fail, take a look at what is possible. The workouts can burn about two or three hundred calories a session. Takeout foods can be limited if dinners are planned out. By following a healthy nutrition program an individual can consume about two or three hundred calories less than their daily caloric budget.

Let’s take a look at these numbers. To be more accurate, let’s take the lower numbers. Two hundred calories less a day from a diet equals one thousand four hundred calories under a week. Exercise will burn six hundred calories a week. This equals two thousand calories a week in the negative. It takes three thousand five hundred calories in the negative to lose a pound. Therefore, weight loss will be about a half a pound per week. It will take forty weeks to achieve a twenty pound weight loss.

In forty weeks an individual will be successful at their goal. You might be thinking that will take forever. You will never achieve your goal if you set an unrealistic goal. You will quit well in advance. You will go back to your old habits living an unhealthy lifestyle. More than likely you will be adding pounds instead of losing pounds.

Take a good look at what you can and can not do. Set your goals accordingly. That is when you will be living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight.