Does Weight Loss Surgery Reverse Premature Aging Due to Obesity

By Allyson3james

Most people do not realize, but obesity when not treated right away causes premature aging. It increases the risk of developing life threatening conditions such as a diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. According to various research studies, obesity hastes the aging process due to increase in the free radiacals in fat cells which shorten the telomers.

The telomeres offer protection to the DNA and are a marker of aging. When a cell divides, a portion of the telomere is lost and if this continues then either the cells may stop diving permanently or for lack of better term commit suicide called as apoptosis. Poor diet, smoking, obesity and lack of exercises are all which causes premature aging at a cellular level. Therefore, it is imperative for people who practices such lifestyle choices to stop these behaviours for reversing molecular aging.

Obese people are prematurely old having eroded cells and inflamed fat tissues. The damages caused by obesity can be reversed with weight loss surgery. The gastric bypass operations are primarily used to treat the obese patients to keep off the excess pounds. The benefits of undergoing a weight loss surgery may be far greater than thought previously. Obesity or having lot of fats seems to put the entire body under lots of increased stress. Losing weight with weight loss surgery will help to lose the adipose tissue which will reduce the stress and your body will become younger. This is the most positive news for patients seeking weight loss surgery which shows that the damage caused by obesity such as premature aging can be reversed with weight loss surgery.

Fortunately, weight loss surgery can reverse premature aging due to obesity. Patient should make the necessary lifestyle changes for slowing doen the progression or possibly reverse the obesity diagnosis. You should quit smoking and maintain a healthy and balanced diet. It is easier said than done for some obese patients, especially for those having some underlying health conditions.

According to a recent study conducted by the University of Vienna in Austria, a weight loss surgery may help to reverse the molecular aging. In this study, about 76 patients with an average age of 40 and a BMI of 44.5 kilograms per square meter had gone through a weight loss surgery. Before the surgery, the blood samples of each patient were taken for examining the effects of surgery which would have on their cells.

Additional blood samples were taken after a year and two year later and the researchers found that an average 38% reduction in the BMI of the patients and also a significant reduction in cytokines that promotes inflammation. As per the results found after two years of surgery, the telomeres of the patients were about 80% longer in both the cells and blood samples. All the patients showed a significant decrease in levels of the inflammation in their cells two years post the weight loss surgery. They had longer telomeres which are the internal clock of each cell that get shorter with age due to cell division or oxidation of the stress which causes them to break. Obesity and excess weight gain has the same effect as eroding telomeres which get very short since they can no longer divide and simply sits in the body as an aged cell. the oxidation of telomere cause them to break and shrink. The research also found that obese women have shorter telomeres than healthy weight women. The telomere length can be increased after two years of weight loss surgery in the immune cells of the blood.

Considering these phenomenal results, they show effect by the shorter telomers which have on a person’s overall health. Often, a weight loss surgery is the last resort for obese patients who need to lose weight and it also helps to reduce the stress from their body thereby reduce the premature aging.

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