Would you like a kick in the crotch with your cupcake? (The name reads a bit hostile for an American.)
Cultural idiosyncrasies of language matter. In India on a daily basis I find myself asking, “They don’t mean what I think they mean, do they?” Here’s a few examples.
You mean you’re selling clothes, just clothes? (The “Happy Ending” sale just seems a little risqué to me. If the smiley face was winking it would really be suggestive.)
No, Sir, I will not loofah you just because you ordered the rice bath! (FYI: rice bath is a Karnataka rice dish with lentils.)
Cut my hair? I thought this was a saloon?
“Playing in the Park” is prohibited. Dear Park, What the hell are you good for? Signed Concerned Resident
By B Gourley in funny, humor, India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on December 17, 2014.