Does Penis Size Really Matter?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

As you know, here at My Girly Parts we like to touch subjects of a sensitive nature.

Enter the Male Penis

Men talk about it.

Women talk about it even more.

But has it ever been scientifically proven that Penis Size Matters?

I think not, but let us adults weigh in on this question. Check out the infographic below (ya gotta love it, right?).

Embedded from

The Survey Says….

  • 61% have dumped someone because of the size of their penis;
  • 35% said it really doesn’t matter;
  • 4% basically said it was a monster and get that thing away from them!

So I’ll weigh in on this one. Size Does Matter!

My Own Studies

In my younger days, my single days, I’ll confess. I loved sex! Sadly enough for me, in order to have sex I either needed an artificial penis (dildo) or the real deal! However, I found sometimes the real deal wasn’t able to get the job done. Why? Let’s analyze:

  • the “pencil” penis – this thing is so skinny that you asked this dude “Would you mind if my dildo joined you in there?”
  • the “chubby stubby” – yes, this is a mini-penis on ‘roids. It has plenty of girth but will never in a thousand years be able to hit your g-spot.
  • the “shorty” – the shorty is a little longer than the chubby but it is still lacking on hitting that g-spot, however what they lack in size, they still make up in girth so it can be slightly fulfilling.
  • the “tube snake” – you may think this is God’s gift to men, however, some tube snakes may leave you saying “Hell No! That thing will kill me!”
  • the “average” – so studies taken in 2013 say the average erect penis is about 5.5″ long. I’ve been around the block so I can agree to this stat, however if you asked a dude that has a stiffy of 5.5″, he’s going to add at least 3″ to it for a firm 8.5″ inches of manliness. Bwahahaha yes, we are on to the 3″ rule dudes!

Do you have any you would like to add to my list? Come on girlies, I know you’ve seen a few in your day!

So Does Size Really Matter?

We may all agree to disagree on this answer, especially if you’re a Dude but for all intents and purposes of this article as well as to share my very own opinion……

Yes! Size Does Matter!

No offense guys but if you’re packing a “chubby stubby” or a “pencil”, I hope you can make up for it with your tongue.

Over to You

I may seem to come off a bit blunt and uncaring, however, when it comes to getting the job done, if you ain’t packing, you’re not gonna do it here.

Care to share your thoughts with us?

This article is for entertainment purposes only.