Does Oil Free Diet Help in Whitening Your Teeth

Posted on the 06 May 2014 by Health_news

Teeth whitening or bleaching is a normal procedure practiced by dentists all over the world. Whereas whitening helps in restoring the natural color of the teeth, bleaching helps them to get even whiter as per the FDA definition. Brushing, laser bleaching, bleaching pens are some of the techniques available for teeth whitening. Tooth discoloration happens due to various reasons such as human ageing which causes changes in the mineral structure and the enamel of the teeth, bacterial pigment, various food deposition and vegetables rich in carotenoids and xanthonoids, colored liquids such as coffee, tea and red wine, and certain medicines having tetracycline.

Teeth Whitening Procedures

Teeth Whitening can be done at home or at the dentist’s clinic, depending on the quality of the teeth whitening required and budget the customer has. Some of the home techniques adopted include using toothpastes, chewing gums, rinses and gels available for the purpose of whitening. Dentists can either perform a light accelerated bleaching or internal bleaching to make teeth shine white.

There are certain home remedies which can be used to make teeth shine bright. Use of malic acid, which is present in a considerable proportion in strawberries can give good results. Brushing teeth with baking soda can be another low cost home remedy to bring shine to the teeth. Use of apples, celery and carrots in the daily course of the meal can help in teeth whitening since they are natural stain removers. They increase salivation thus helping in scrubbing teeth and maintaining the white shine.

These methods, though give a positive result, might have some risks involved, such as an increase in sensitivity, causing chemical burns due to the bleaching effect.

 Diet after Teeth Whitening

Dentists advise to take a diet which is white in color at least for 48 hours after undertaking the whitening procedure. Colored food such as tomatoes, Beetroots, lettuce and drinks such as tea, coffee, red juices, colas and other fizzy drinks should be strictly avoided. Fruits should be avoided with an exception to banana since most of the fruits are acidic in nature. Potatoes, chicken, turkey, and fish can be taken but should be had in the boiled form. Oils and fats should be avoided to maintain the whiteness of the teeth. The oil and fat can stain the teeth and can result in depositions over the teeth. Food rich in sugar content should also be avoided. Therefore, margarine, butter, chocolates, bread and wheat rich products should be avoided.  Even colored mouth washes should be avoided before and after the teeth whitening procedure.

Foods, which Dentists Avoid

Dentists avoid high sugar and fat packed foods not only to keep the teeth white but healthy as well. Some of the food which is best to be avoided include high sugar, canned food, high sugar baked breakfast, sugar packed cereals, oily and spicy Chinese using too many sauces, sugar and oil rich fast food, sugary hot or cold drinks, shakes, smoothies and ice creams.

Diet definitely has an effect on teeth since it is a part of the body and most importantly, it is the first part of the body to come in contact with the food. Thus, most oils and sugars in the food tend to affect the teeth most. It is better to avoid sugar, fats and oil in the daily diet not only for the sake of white and healthy teeth but also for avoiding most of the lifestyle diseases.