Does My Dog Have Seizures?

By David13676 @dogspired

You may not know if your dog is having a seizure. Canine seizures may be caused by a number of different things. Some causes of seizures in dogs may be from an unknown illness, where as some may actually be hereditary. Regardless of the causes of seizures, it is important to seek treatment from your veterinarian as soon as your dog has seized. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you what the cause of your dog’s seizure was, and can assist you in choosing the right medical treatments and therapies.

To determine the exact cause of seizures in your dog, there are a number of different tests that may be performed. Some of these tests may include MRI scans, fecal tests and cerebrospinal fluid taps. Seizures are actually not uncommon in dogs, but they can be very serious if the cause is life-threatening.

The most common causes of seizures in dogs include:

-   Poisoning

-   Heat stroke

-   Canine distemper

-   Disease

-   Epilepsy

-   Brain tumors

-   Hypoglycemia

-   Head trauma

Symptoms of seizures

The severity of the seizure will depend on the symptoms. There are a couple of different types of seizures in dogs, but all share similar symptoms. Symptoms will usually start with odd behavior and end in confusion. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms of seizures in dogs:

Prodome stage

This is just before the seizure. You will notice a change in your dog’s behavior or mood. This may be a few days or a few hours before a seizure. Some behavior changes include:

  • Neediness
  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Whining

Many owners have described their dog’s strokes as very quick and beginning with a loud yelp or bark. After they have collapsed, the other symptoms will begin to appear. It is important to bring your dog to the veterinarian as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.

Ictal stage

This is the actual seizure phase. Symptoms vary depending on the severity and cause of the seizure. Some seizures may only last a few seconds, where as some can last up to an hour. Symptoms of seizures in dogs include:

  • Losing consciousness
  • Temporary paralysis
  • Shaking and muscle spasms
  • Teeth chomping or gnashing
  • Stiff muscles
  • Pawing or ‘paddling’ at the air
  • Excessive drooling
  • Uncontrollable urination and bowel movements
  • Whimpering or yelping
  • Head drawn back
  • Vomiting

Post- Ictal stage

Once your dog’s seizure is finished, your dog will snap back into reality. The Ictal stage also shows symptoms that may last a few minutes or a few hours.

  • Confusion
  • Pacing
  • Walking into objects, walls or furniture. Sometimes it may appear to be purposely
  • Salivation
  • Excess food and water consumption
  • Seeming to be deaf
  • Out of focus

Treatment for seizures in dogs

The cause of your dog’s seizure will determine the exact treatment and therapy options. Sometimes, seizures can be treated with one dosage of medication. Often times, however, seizures are a life-long ailment that requires constant treatment. Your dog will likely need to be tested regularly and medications may change over time. This means that medications may be given more often, or less, or the type of medication may change.

Diet and exercise are also important when dealing with seizures in dogs. Diets high in fat and sugar will need to be changed, and exercise to help with weight loss and simply to stimulate the nervous system will also be required.

For more information about seizures in dogs, causes, symptoms, treatment options and more, visit