Does Meditation Help with Addiction?

Posted on the 17 November 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Meditation is the art of training your mind. When you meditate, you improve your inner peace, self-awareness, and healthy mental functioning. Meditation also helps you detach from thoughts and impulses, which can help reduce relapse.

It lays a positive effect and reduces the levels of stress and anxiety, which is of utmost importance in recovery. For example, you may use it to slow down your breathing and calm your nerves. It can help reduce the negative feelings that compel you to reach for substances. You may even use it to connect with spiritual ways during recovery.

Besides all the advantages stated above, meditation improves your overall mental and physical health by:

#1. Reduces anxiety and chances of depression

Research has shown that meditation reduces depression symptoms and stress equivalent to antidepressants. Meditation causes rejuvenation of the brain, which relieves the possibility of getting depressed. Reduced anxiety and depression are vital for your recovery journey. The more relaxed you are, the easy it is for you to stay on course. Mindful meditation also helps in reducing social anxiety disorder. You can talk to oxycontin lawyers to learn more about the legalities of drug addiction.

#2. Relieves you of stress

Life is a journey full of ups and downs, and there is only so much that your mind can handle. When you are stressed, it manifests in different ways, such as anxiety, insomnia, anger, and depression. If you fail to deal with these pains naturally, you try and find other things like drugs to feel okay. Meditation usually transforms your central nervous system and brain, enabling you to cope up with the situation without abusing drugs.

#3. Makes you a master of urge surfing

If you have suffered addiction, you know about the ‘urge.’ An overwhelming feeling to satisfy your craving. While these feelings can be strong and overpowering, meditating can help you overcome them. To do this, you need to acknowledge the urge whenever it rises. Through mediation, let the feeling crest like a wave and visualize yourself overcoming the urge. The urge is something to be expected rather than something to fight or be ashamed of. It’s a continuous process.

The goal is to observe the urge – watch it rise and fall without giving in to it. Meditative breathing serves as the metaphorical surfboard and lets the person ride on top of the urge and observe it without being sucked in. Over time and with practice, resisting urges becomes much more comfortable. Once the treatment has removed the actual cause of your unhappiness, your life will transform on many levels — and how meditation affects addiction-free living will become natural.

Science has proven that meditation can be beneficial in case you have been suffering from drug addiction. If you had your doubts, you have all the proof as to why you should meditate. It’s the most excellent way to recovery. When you meditate, your brain gets to relax and becomes rejuvenated. It also boosts your brainpower, intelligence, and focus. Now you have enough reasons to believe that meditations do work in helping in drug recovery.