Does It Matter What Exercise I Do First?

Posted on the 18 June 2013 by Dave Nevue

Starting out on a fitness program can be overwhelming. Walking into a gym and seeing machines, free weights, dumbbells, kettle bells, cardio equipment, medicine balls and stability balls can be intimidating. You know what you want to achieve, but how do you achieve it? If you have never been in a gym or exercised, you first instincts would be to run for the door. A question I am often asked is, “Does it matter what exercise I do first.?” The answer is yes. If you are an experienced athlete or just starting off the order of the exercise matters.

Before You Start

Before you step into a gym you want to know what muscle groups each exercise target. You will also want to know basic anatomy. You can not set up an exercise program without this information. If you go into a gym and pick out a couple of machines and don’t know what the exercise purpose is you will increase the chance of injury, and jeopardize your posture. The results will be limited. There will be articles that will cover basic anatomy and specific exercises available at Strong Healthy Mom.

Always get clearance from your physician before starting any physical activity. You might have some hidden issues that you are not even aware of.

General Health

There are some guidelines to follow when setting up your workout program. These guidelines will be appropriate for general fitness and weight loss goals. Specific athletic goals will have different guidelines.