Does Having An Abortion Hurt?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Can I ask for a please. Can I have every ones experience of an abortion please and how far were you when you had it? And does having an abortion hurt?

Sorry for the sensitive subject

I have personally experienced two abortions. The first was when I was 19 and I was 17 weeks pregnant. I was given tablets over a space of 4 days. I was given vaginal tablets on the day of the abortion that worked within a few hours.

I had to give birth to the fetus and stay in 6 hours afterwards. I was given paracetamol for the pain. There was no problems post abortion.

The second abortion was at 10 weeks and I was given tablets over a few days. I arrived that morning and was given 2 oral tablets. This would have been repeated after 4 hours, but it was over and done with quickly. There was no pain as such. Period cramps is the worst it got.

I was shocked when my waters broke, as not had expected this, the bleeding was really heavy for a few hours after the experience. I was allowed to return home as soon as I could provide a urine sample without clots. Although large clots did continue for a few days.