Does Goodwill Wash Donated Clothes Before Selling Them?

Posted on the 21 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

Goodwill does wash donated clothes before selling them. Goodwill washes all donated clothes to ensure cleanliness and quality for their customers.

Goodwill is a well-known nonprofit organization that accepts donations of gently used clothing and other items. As one of the largest thrift store chains in the United States, Goodwill is committed to providing affordable options for shoppers while supporting job training and employment opportunities for individuals in need.

When you donate clothes to Goodwill, you may wonder what happens to them before they hit the sales floor. One key question that often arises is whether Goodwill washes donated clothes before selling them. We will explore this topic and provide you with some insights into Goodwill’s practices when it comes to ensuring the cleanliness and quality of the clothing they offer to their customers.


Donation And Sorting Process

Have you ever wondered what happens to the clothes you donate to Goodwill? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the donation and sorting process that takes place behind the scenes. Understanding how Goodwill handles donated clothing can give you insight into the level of care and consideration that goes into preparing these items for sale.

Accepting Donations

Goodwill is known for accepting a wide range of donations, including clothing, accessories, and household items. When you donate your clothes to Goodwill, you can be confident that they will be put to good use. The organization appreciates the generosity of donors and ensures that each item is treated with respect and care.

Sorting Donations

After donations are received, the next step in the process is sorting. Goodwill has an elaborate system in place to categorize and organize donated clothing. This sorting process allows them to assess the condition, quality, and potential market value of each item. It also helps them create a well-curated inventory that meets the diverse needs and preferences of their customers.

The clothing is sorted based on various criteria, including fabric type, size, and style. This meticulous sorting ensures that customers can easily find what they’re looking for when they visit their local Goodwill store. It also helps the organization determine which items may need additional care or repairs before being sold.

Quality Control Measures

Goodwill is committed to providing high-quality items to their customers. To ensure that only the best clothing is sold, the organization has implemented strict quality control measures. This includes inspecting every item for any damage, stains, or signs of wear. Clothes that do not meet their quality standards are either properly disposed of or repurposed, minimizing waste and maximizing the value of each donation.

Additionally, Goodwill takes proactive measures to ensure the clothes are clean and ready for sale. While they do not wash every donated item, they thoroughly examine each piece for cleanliness. Any clothing that requires cleaning is carefully laundered and sanitized to meet hygiene standards before being made available for purchase.

By maintaining these quality control measures, Goodwill aims to provide customers with clothing that is not only affordable but also in good condition. These measures also uphold the organization’s reputation for offering reliable, gently used items that can be trusted by their loyal customer base.

The donation and sorting process at Goodwill is a well-organized system that focuses on providing a positive shopping experience for customers. By accepting a wide range of donations and implementing strict quality control measures, Goodwill ensures that the clothes they sell meet their high standards and deliver value to the community.

Washing And Cleaning Procedures

Before selling donated clothes, Goodwill ensures that they are thoroughly washed and cleaned. This ensures that the clothes are in good condition and ready for the next owner.

Inspection And Prepping

Before donated clothes make their way onto the shelves at Goodwill, they go through a meticulous washing and cleaning process to ensure they are in the best possible condition for resale. This starts with a thorough inspection and prepping procedure to assess the quality and determine the necessary steps for cleaning.

During the inspection, trained staff at Goodwill carefully examine each item of clothing, checking for any visible stains, tears, or damage. This step is crucial to determine the level of cleaning required and whether any repairs are necessary before the clothes can be put up for sale.

Washing And Drying

Once the inspection is complete, the donated clothes move on to the washing and drying stage. Goodwill follows industry-standard practices and guidelines to ensure that the clothing is hygienic and ready for customers.

The washing process varies depending on the fabric type, color, and care instructions provided on the garment’s label. Goodwill uses high-quality, eco-friendly detergents and follows appropriate temperature settings to prevent any damage or shrinking. The clothes are washed in commercial-grade washing machines, ensuring a thorough cleaning process.

After the washing cycle is complete, the clothes are then dried using commercial-grade dryers with temperature settings suitable for different fabrics. This ensures that the clothes are not only clean but also properly dried and ready for the next steps.

Stain And Odor Removal

Stains and odors can be a common concern when it comes to donated clothes. However, Goodwill takes proactive steps to tackle these issues before putting the items on sale.

Goodwill’s team is trained in stain and odor removal techniques. They use appropriate stain removers, enzymatic cleaners, and odor-eliminating products to treat stubborn stains and odors. This ensures that the clothes are refreshed and free from any undesirable smells.

The specific methods used for stain and odor removal may vary depending on the type of stain or odor. However, the goal remains the same – to restore the donated clothes to their best possible condition.

Other Sanitization Measures

While it is a common misconception that Goodwill washes donated clothes before selling them, the organization does take several other sanitization measures to ensure the clothes are clean and safe for purchase. These measures include steam cleaning, freezing, and disinfecting. Let’s take a closer look at each of these processes:

Steam Cleaning

One method used by Goodwill to sanitize donated clothes is steam cleaning. This process involves using hot steam to kill bacteria, germs, and other microorganisms that may be present on the garments. Steam cleaning not only helps in removing stains and odors but also provides an effective sanitization measure without exposing the clothes to harsh chemicals or detergents. It ensures that the clothes are refreshed and ready for the customers.


Another method employed by Goodwill to sanitize donated clothes is through freezing. Freezing is known to kill certain types of bacteria and pests that might be present on the clothing items. Goodwill freezes the donated clothes for a specific duration to eliminate any potential infestations or harmful pathogens, ensuring that the garments are safe and hygienic for their customers.


Goodwill also utilizes disinfecting processes to ensure that the donated clothes are thoroughly cleaned. Disinfecting methods may include treating the garments with appropriate disinfectants or antimicrobial solutions that help eliminate any remaining bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This step acts as an additional measure to guarantee that the clothes are safe to wear and handle.

By implementing these steam cleaning, freezing, and disinfecting methods, Goodwill strives to maintain high hygiene standards for their donated clothes. While the organization may not wash every item individually, these sanitization measures effectively reduce the chances of any potential health risks, providing customers with clean and safe garments to choose from.



Frequently Asked Questions Of Does Goodwill Wash Donated Clothes Before Selling Them?

Does Goodwill Wash Donated Clothes Before Selling Them?

Yes, Goodwill thoroughly inspects and cleans all donated clothes to ensure they are clean and in good condition for sale.

How Does Goodwill Clean The Donated Clothes?

Goodwill uses a multi-step process that includes sorting, washing, and drying the donated clothes using commercial-grade machines and detergents.

Are The Clothes Sanitized During The Cleaning Process?

Yes, Goodwill takes extra precautions to sanitize the donated clothes by using appropriate cleaning agents and following industry best practices.

Can I Trust The Cleanliness Of The Clothes At Goodwill?

Absolutely! Goodwill has strict quality control measures in place to ensure that all donated clothes are thoroughly cleaned and ready for sale.

What If I Find A Dirty Item In The Store?

If you come across a dirty item in a Goodwill store, please bring it to the attention of the staff, who will promptly remove it and address the issue.


To ensure the quality and hygiene of donated clothes, it is common practice for Goodwill to carefully wash and sanitize the items before placing them for sale. By doing so, they prioritize the well-being of their customers and uphold their commitment to providing clean merchandise.

With this knowledge, you can donate your clothes to Goodwill, knowing that they will be thoroughly cleaned and ready for a new life with their next owner.