Does Experience Teach You?

By Shawnaschuh

Romanesque West Door, St. Mary's, Portchester This West Door of St. Mary's, Portchester exhibits particularly fine Romanesque decoration. The zigzag pattern is very typical of this style of architecture dating back nearly 900 years - the chain of circles is more unusual in my experience. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today’s quote is long and wonderful – it’s from George Matthew Adams

“Anyone who has had a long life of experiences is worth listening to, worth emulating, and worth tying to as a friend.

No one can have too much experience in any line of endeavor.

We readily welcome to our group of friends that one who talks with the voice of experience and common sense. We know that we are safe in his hands. He is not going to get us into trouble. Rather is he going to point out the pitfalls and mistakes that experience has taught him to avoid. There is no experience but what carries its lasting good for us along with it. And you don’t have to discard experience. It’s a cost for life! It never wears out.”

This is great for a couple of reasons –

First that we welcome the voice of experience – and maybe it’s better if I ask it as a question for you today: Do you welcome the voice of experience? And – how could you welcome it more so that you learned more?

Second, Mr. Adams states that “There is no experience but what carries its lasting good for us along with it.”

That’s a wow statement and more a philosophy of life I believe. Do you believe that every experience carries its lasting good for us along with it? What if you did?

And just because – here’s a second quote  from Ben Franklin who said this – “The doors of wisdom are never shut.”

Love that – seek wisdom from all our experiences!

Remember – you create your day by the way you think. Make it magnificent!

Blessings, Shawna