Does Design Matter To Small Businesses?

Posted on the 21 June 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

99Designs wanted to know how important design was to the success of a business. They surveyed over 1500 small businesses and startups to better understand the changing role  of design in the business world. Some of the key findings were documented in this infographic, such as:

  • 80% of small business owners feel that the design of their logo, website and marketing materials were important to very important in the success of their business
  • 67% of small business owners expect graphic design to play an increasingly significant role in their business success over the next five years
  • 65% of small business owners would pay up to $500 for a new custom logo
  • 50% or more do the design work in-house or do ti themselves
  • 57% associated the color blue with success

Does Design Matter To Small Businesses?

Infographic Source: Business Design Survey

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