Does A Landlord Have To Clean Before The Tenant Moves In

Posted on the 18 October 2023 by Kiril Natov

When a tenancy ends, confusion often arises over whose responsibility it is to clean the property before the next tenant moves in. As the tenant, you may believe it is down to the landlord to handle this, as it is their property. As the landlord, though, you expect the tenant to maintain high standards right to the end, leaving it clean like it was when they first moved in. 

Whether you are a landlord, a tenant about to move out, or a tenant getting ready to move in, this quick guide holds the answers you need over whether the landlord is responsible for cleaning the property before the next tenants move in. 

Who’s Responsibility Is It? 

The truth is it is the tenant’s responsibility to leave any property they rent in a clean condition. If they don’t, the landlord does hold every right to withhold some of the rental deposit money placed when the tenant first moved in. However, with this being said, some responsibility does lie with the landlord. They must thoroughly check that the property is clean and ready for the next tenants. 

What Happens If The Tenant Hasn’t Cleaned Before Leaving? 

If your tenants haven’t cleaned your property, whether believing it would be too costly in terms of time and money, too difficult to do, or they have mistaken cleanliness for general wear and tear, you, as the landlord, must clean the property. Something to point out is that this doesn’t mean you have to do this yourself. We offer end-of-tenancy cleaning services to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you don’t have to delay moving in your new tenants if the old ones haven’t bothered to do it themselves. With over ten years of experience in cleaning properties, our experts can ensure every nook and cranny of your property is sparkling by the end, thanks to our team following our handy tenancy cleaning checklist. Let us scrub and polish your surfaces, clean and descale sinks, vacuum, mop, tackle stains on floors, and so much more to get it back to the standard you need. You have the right to take some of the deposit money to pay for this. 

What Happens If The Landlord Hasn’t Cleaned The Property? 

Conversely, you may wonder what you should do if you are moving into a tenancy and the property is dismal. If the previous tenants haven’t cleaned the property and the landlord hasn’t fixed this, you do not have to clean this property yourself. You have every right to contact the landlord to get them to handle this task. As businesses like ours offer end-of-tenancy same-day cleaning, there is no reason for your landlord not to get in touch with us to get not only one of the best services out there but also one of the most efficient that covers the kitchen, bedroom(s), bathroom(s), and living room. If your landlord does not organize this for you, take pictures and gather evidence of you paying for our services yourself. 

Our Advice For Tenants Moving Out 

If you want to retain all of your deposit, contact us today. A landlord will check thoroughly to ensure it is in good enough condition, as they have responsibilities for the next tenants. Our end-of-tenancy cleaning services guarantee there is no reason for them to deduct any money from you.