We're all familiar with the Car Template, right?
Now, put two different drivers in the same car (as separate events), and what do you get? Well, more or less THE SAME CHARACTERISTICS reflecting subtly the driving style or confidence of each driver. Now, and this is the scary part ... apply the Car Template to the Human Template.
Go on, insert a different Driver into the Human and you get "more or less THE SAME CHARACTERISTICS reflecting subtly the driving style or confidence of the Driver". My point? The Human and the Car have both been MANUFACTURED: one in a factory and the other in a car factory. The Human Factory, of course, is that aspect of our upbringing (be that TV or tribal or prison) that shapes the Template of our Construction. Admittedly, it's a little more organic than the Car Construction Template, but at its core the basics are comparable. We are grown, rather than grow; we're nurtrured (or abused) and refined (or broken) it's all the same.
Are we Organic Lifeforms?
Or are we Spiritual Lifeform?
Do we mean a separate 'soul' (that itself could live on a separate plane of existence) that gives distanced command over the flesh or do we mean an integrated part of the Car?
For example: back to the Car Analogy, what if our Driver is DRUNK or FEVERISHLY ILL or WOUNDED IN BATTLE, how do these characteristics then translate into our control of the Human Vehicle?
You see where this is going, right?
Are our physical bodies being HANDICAPPED by the trials being subjected to our Spiritual or Extra-dimensional bodies? Is this why there's maybe MORE to Chinese Medicine (which deals with de-congestion of energy lines) than Western Medicine (which deals more with de-congestion of traffic lights)?
And this is even BEFORE I start to expound upon the concept of Dual Drivers, one for each hemisphere of the brain...