DOCTOR WHO: Titans Vinyl Shows Convention Exclusives

Posted on the 28 August 2014 by Geekasms @geekasms

Titans Vinyl Figures has announced their Doctor Who convention exclusives for the upcoming Toronto Fan Expo:

Hi there!

We are incredibly excited for Toronto Fan Expo!
We’ve set up our stall, we’ve stocked our shelves and we’ve put together this newsletter featuring our convention exclusives, our debuting products and everything else we’ll have on sale at the con!

We’ll be at the convention for the whole weekend at Booth 938 in the South Building of the Metro Centre so come down and say hi!

Have a great convention!


After an explosive regeneration, the 11th Doctor emerged still wearing his previous incarnation’s suit – as represented in this 3” Convention Exclusive!


Our second collection devoted to the 10th Doctor, the Gallifrey Collection features allies such as the Bad Wolf herself – Rose Tyler, ‘Next’ Doctor Jackson Lake, the immortal Captain Jack Harkness and the lovable K9 alongside such notorious villains as The Master, the Supreme Dalek and Lord President of Gallifrey Rassilon!


Towering over every other TITAN we’ve ever produced, The Beast stands tall at a mighty 9 inches! This Convention Exclusive recreates the dark, monstrously-evil Beast of legend as seen in the terrifying Tenth Doctor adventure “The Satan Pit”


Caught up in the Last Great Time War, the 8th Doctor was forced to regenerate into John Hurt’s much tougher warrior incarnation – enter The War Doctor!

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