Doctor Jekyll – Release News

By Newguy

Eddie Izzard and the Chilling Tale of Doctor Jekyll

Hammer Films is delighted to announce that their upcoming horror thriller Doctor Jekyll will be available exclusively in the UK on Digital Download from 11th March. 

An isolated mansion, a mysterious locked room, creepy corridors, a dusty cellar and a mad doctor… Hammer Horror is back! Dive into the haunting and enigmatic world of Doctor Jekyll.

Starring the incomparable Eddie Izzard in a role like you’ve never seen before. A fresh, horror-filled take on a timeless tale, this adaptation promises to send shivers down your spine. 

Adapted from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novel, the movie is directed by Joe Stephenson (ChickenMcKellen: Playing The Part), and also stars Scott Chambers and Simon Callow, as well as Lindsay Duncan, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins and Robyn Cara.

Doctor Jekyll will be available on Digital Download from 11th March