Do Your Homework!

Posted on the 28 March 2012 by Billcookonline @billcookonline

Have you ever noticed the look on someone’s face when you both suddenly realize that they did not do their homework?

I am not talking about the kind students bring home from school and fail to get done.  I am talking about the kind sales people fail to do for meetings with customers.  Or, the kind sales candidates fail to do for interviews.

I am with a rapidly-growing company, trying to double in size in a very short time.  We are on track to meet this goal, but it requires a lot of interviewing to hire enough people to generate growth.  I am always surprised when a candidate gets through my screening process and then demonstrates a lack of knowledge about me and our company and our industry.

Doing research these days with the internet is so quick and easy that it’s hardly the only thing folks should be doing to prepare for a new job or a new account.  Checking out a website should only be the start.  What about checking out a company’s selling process, or listening to one of their investor calls?  So much can be done to get better acquainted with a potential employer or a new account that if you really want to stand out, it’s not that hard.  How much does the new account or opportunity mean to you?  Hopefully enough to show that you geniunely want the business or the job!

I asked a candidate yesterday what he knew about our company, and he actually admitted that he knew very little.  Yes, he was impressed with our website, and yes, he had heard good things about us, but that was all he knew!  Game over.  In my mind, the interview was over.  Don’t let that happen to you.  Think about the opportunity and write down on a sheet of paper the things you need to know before your meeting, and then go find out.  You will be glad you did!

Best of luck, Bill