Do You Want to Win a FREE iPad?

Posted on the 14 April 2012 by Boutgaming @boutgaming

FREE iPAD?!?!?!?!?!

There are hundreds maybe even thousands of scams across the Internet that tell you that if you "complete this offer" then you will be rewarded with a brand new iPad or some other expensive electronic. But how many of them are actually telling the truth. I have done a lot of research on this topic and even tried a few myself. There is a website called Freebiejeebies that will actually award you with a brand new iPad, among other things. Here are what some people have to say.

So, as you can see. People have actually used this site and have actually received there rewards. 

Here's what you have to do

1.) Click this link here Freebiejeebies 
2.) Enter your information.
  • Make sure the information is correct or else you will not receive your gift.

3.) Select an offer.
  • Many of these offers are actually useful. I chose to do the little Bid Tasty offer and enjoyed it. 
  • I recommend doing a Trial offer so that you can cancel it without having to pay!

4.) Allow 48 hours for your offer to appears
5.) Refer friends. 
  • These referrals are what get you points. The more points you get the better the "gifts" you can choose form are. 
Good luck and happy referring! 
Again here is the link