Do You Think Your Baby Has Multiple Food Allergies? This Worked For Us!

By Cait @caitscozycorner
I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition to create this post written by me. All experiences and opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition. You can contact Mead Johnson Nutrition with product related questions or comments toll-free at 1-800-BABY-123 (1-800-222-9123)
For more information about PurAmino™, click here. When you find out you’re pregnant, it's such an exciting time. You try to imagine all the amazing accomplishments your child will achieve in their lifetime, the hurdles they'll overcome, and the wonderful person you hope to raise and nurture in the process. Of course, life does throw you for a loop now and then, and one thing that we've had to overcome over the last year and a half is Landon's food allergies. We didn't realize he was having food allergies until he was about 6 weeks.

We noticed his cheeks were becoming pretty red, raw, and even discharging at times. I felt so awful and had no idea what it could be from. His pediatrician at the time recommended that we possibly stop adding dairy to my diet because of his eczema that was spreading everywhere on his body, and said it could be related to a cow’s milk allergy! As he grew and we slowly started introducing milk here and there, it was extremely nerve wracking to see how his body would react. If your baby is still showing indications of cow’s milk allergy after trying an extensively hydrolyzed formula like Nutramigen with Enflora LGG, talk to your doctor.
Your baby’s allergy could be severe and need an amino acid-based formula such as PurAmino™ to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need. This was an idea that we discussed with his doctor and started on when Landon was about 9 months old. PurAmino™ is a hypoallergenic, easy-to-digest formula made for infants with severe cow’s milk allergy, multiple food allergies, or other GI conditions. It has free amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
When used as a sole source of nutrition this eliminates the allergic potential babies with severe allergies have when digesting protein. When I gave Landon this easy-to-digest formula, I was nervous he wouldn't take to it, but he actually seemed to enjoy it. A few things we noticed with Landon and his allergies were not only his eczema, but hives over his arms and chest as well. We took him to an allergist to make sure what we were dealing with was true, and after a scratch test, they confirmed he had a milk allergy.

Thankfully, having PurAmino™ has been extremely helpful for Landon. PurAmino™ has an expert recommended amounts of DHA – an important nutrient that supports brain and eye development – and is the only amino acid product portfolio that has DHA for both infants and juniors. myPURAMINO is a dedicated resource for navigating insurance reimbursement options. Your insurance may reimburse you for the cost of PurAmino™ when it is recommended by a physician. Call 1-844-PURAMINO to speak to a dedicated staff member. As a parent, you want to try and find excellent products for your kids to help them thrive. For us, this helped our little guy and we're so glad our doctor recommended PurAmino™. If you're unsure, ask your doctor to speak to a Mead Johnson sales rep for information on local home care providers.
 For more information about PurAmino™, click here.
This is sponsored by Enfamil PurAmino™