Do You Think Big Data Is Just A Fad? If So, Then It’s Time to Read the Post

Posted on the 19 January 2018 by Nishtha Singh @tatvasoftuk

Big data is much more than a fad, the concept has the potential to make your marketing efforts meaningful and successful. To be very precise, big data can increase a company’s ROI to as much as $200 billion globally. However, 87% of the marketers still believe that data is the most underutilized asset in their organization. With technology and business lines developing rapidly every second, modern enterprises have all generated terabytes of data. However, very few have realized the true value of the gold mine they possess. Such huge amount of untapped data can contribute big time in shaping by simply giving a lot of insights to ponder upon.

Of the hundreds of areas big data and analytics will revolutionize marketing and sales, the following post acts as an overview of what big data is delivering today across the globe. Over the past few years, big data has been hyped so much that organizations have started believing the fact that it could actually solve all their problems. What matters here the most is leveraging the data that matters in real. In fact, it may quite interest you to know that professionals can utilize this to effectively shape up their marketing strategies and emerge successful in all their marketing efforts.

Integrating big data and marketing strategies

I am sure you must be well aware regarding the fact that your customers are creating data online through their actions. This gives a specific idea about specific touch points like what are your customers looking for, products that might be found appealing, what kind of offers or deals are they interested in and so more. This would help in crafting effective strategies that would reach your potential audience.

So how to gather such data?

Well, you will find thousands of mediums where your customers are active. For example, online discussion forums like Quora can be a great place for your research as this gives you a broad idea of what people are talking about. What one needs to do is type a keyword related to your product/service follow in-depth conversations about what people feel and set your target right there.

Apart from this, you can digitally stalk your customers through keyword research. Well, it’s not just limited to SEO. In a broader sense, it helps you figure out what people are interested in and in what numbers. Also, you will be able to understand the exact language used to search the products/services. This will come in handy while you are writing a promotional piece like emails/blogs that will help you connect at higher levels.

Last but certainly not the least, tracking reviews and blog comments are effective ways to understand your customers. Apart from this, tools like Consumer Barometer gives you data on how people do an online research before making a purchase decision.

Wrapping up

Implementing these ideas in your marketing strategies means nothing can stop you from reaching the pinnacle of success. So, wish you good luck with your future endeavors.