Do You Really Want to Live Forever?

By The Persephone Complex @hollycassell

I’ll be 22 on Sunday. Happy Birthday to me! I always look forward to my birthday; I’m not one of those people that gets all existential and has a total whack-attack looking at old photo albums and reading old love letters, because ISN’T LIFE JUST SO SHORT? and what have you. For me, that’s a Monday afternoon, so I like to spend my birthday eating cake and getting free stuff. I love being in my twenties, but I did have a bit of a panic attack when I had to say goodbye to my teens; along with the rest of the Western world I think I mythologised parts of being a teenager, and so was sort of reluctant to move on. But as I go further into adulthood, sometimes I look around my life and notice how stubborn adolescence really can be. Here are some of the things I can’t let go of, despite being a woman, and not a girl anymore.
my obsession with ballet…

my obsession with Sofia Coppola movies…(when I was 13, I was Cecilia, when I was 14, I was Lux…)

my diary-writing habit…

my sweet-tooth…

my tendency to leave everything in a mess…

my frisson for geeky children’s-character backpacks…

…and my inability to go dancing without having my face painted. Every. Single. Time.
(thanks to Marc for stealthily taking this picture while I had my eyes closed! xoxo)