Do You Really Need To Change Your Blog's Design To Material Design ?

Posted on the 03 March 2016 by Nitishk

Google's new material design is getting quite popular these days and many coding geeks are adopting it but is it really important for you ?
We all know that material design is based on 3D and shadow effects which look good but many of you may get confused that should you adopt it or not ?
The answer is revealed in this post -

So I am back guys after a long vacation and really sorry for that. I know you must be coming here daily for interesting posts (and thanks for that) but you may not be finding posts as i was busy in learning a language known as PHP and my exams also started but now your own brother is back with blogging as well as developing skills.

What Really Is Material Design ?

Material Design is a type of design which deals with 3 dimensions (i.e X , Y & Z Axes) which you will come to know if you're in class 11 in your school (I just studied it) and this design also deals with shadows which look quite good.

Material Design is a specification for a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices and different screen sizes.

Every developer is trying to make his/her blog's design similar to material look and they're doing quite well.

Some Advantages Of Material Design -

Some Disadvantages Of Material Design -

My Opinion -

Happy Blogging And Good Luck :) .