Do You Pin? | York Wedding Photographer’s Guide to Pinterest

By Tuxandtales @TuxandTales

As a wedding photographer, I work and think in visuals. Two-dimensional, three-dimensional – doesn’t matter, I can even conceptualise in the 6th dimension.

But what happens when I try to explain my amazingly fantabulous ideas to others around me?

A cacophony of sputtering followed by that noise that Charlie Brown’s teacher makes.

Explaining to others how we see images can be downright impossible. I mean, even if you find the words, how will you know they have been properly received? When I say ‘Harley-Davidson-esque’- are we both getting the same ideas popping into our head? Recently, a bride (you know who you are!) struggled to describe the color of her bride’s maids dresses and settled for ‘the color of a bruise’.  Although I appreciate her panache, I know that all she really wanted to do was just communicate to me a simple color.

Arrrgh! Why oh why must our brains be compartmentalised?!?

That is where Pinterest swoops in to save the day.

For the uninitiated, let me explain a little bit about the amazing-ness that is Pinterest.

Pinterest is an on-line pin board that allows you to simply and easily collect images from all over the internet and organize them onto your very own on-line mood-boards. Then, these mood boards can be shared with anyone and everyone working with you to create your big day.

Better yet, when Pinterest collects the images from the internet, it also collects the URL where the image was found! Think of it as the greatest pin-board/visual bookmark site ever created!

But wait! There’s More!

You can even use Pinterest to create a shared B2B board. Shared boards are a place where your friends and family can pin wedding ideas they want to share with you. This can be a great source of inspiration or mocking – your call on which one!

Viva La Revolucion!

Pinterest can be the single most revolutionary force in planning your wedding. Instead of telling your florist that you like those red flowers (but-not-too-red-and-a-little-like-blood-but-the-blood-from-Twilight-not-the-blood-from-Halloween-III) you can just e-mail her a link to your bouquet inspiration pin board. There she will find dozens of examples, curated by you, demonstrating just the right shade of red.*

Or how about everyone’s favorite wedding vendor – the photographer?

Well, you can use Pinterest to collate images that you fall in love with. This way I will know exactly what you mean when you say, ‘romantic but not sloppy’ or my favourite,  ‘posed but not posed’. Whilst I won’t run out and duplicate all the images you send to me, they will tell me loads about what you do and do not like. I have even had brides create ‘No-No Boards’ where they collect up all the images they hate, so I can know exactly what gets their hackles up.

Additionally, if you share with me all of your wedding pin boards, I can know exactly the vibe you are going for and I can incorporate this into my vision of your wedding images. If I see loads of desaturated colours, I may extend this to a slight desaturation in your images so they feel like an organic part of your overall theme.

Inspiration for photographers can come from the most unlikely of places and showing me images of sea shells you love may spark an idea that becomes your favorite image of the day.

All you have to do is give me a link to your Pinterest Boards and I will be able to peek into your mind (insert creepy laugh here).

Good For Everyone! 

Think about it – every one of your wedding vendors would know how to better serve you by leafing through your pin boards…


  • Wedding planner
  • Dress Maker
  • Shoe Designer
  • **Photographer**
  • Florist
  • Cake Maker / Baker
  • Caterer
  • Venue Decor Hire
  • DJ / Live Band

Going DIY? Pinterest is a great place to store all your DIY tutorials!

So what are you waiting for?

Joining Pinterest is easy – all you need is an invite from a current member of Pinterest.

Because I love you all so very, very much  – just send me a quick e-mail and I will give you a special invitation of your very own!

Just don’t be angry with me when you find yourself up at 3am, pinning away like a mad fool…..I’ll be up too, my friend.

Happy Pinning!

Want to see my Pin Boards? Well click HERE for some great (and wacky) wedding ideas and inspiration.

Image source: The Savvy Photographer

*Within monitor tolerances.

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