Do You Like My Dress? I'm a Proud Maxxinista!!!

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

Everyone that knows me knows that I am very cheap! I was not always this way but once I had Zahara I had to make some changes. I would hear people talk about T.J. Maxx all of the time but I never thought there was anything in there for me...I was soooo wrong!
T.J. Maxx is my new favorite store and now I live walking distance to one! The store is full of all types of nice things such as clothing for the whole family, beauty products, and home decorations just to name a few! They carry the same things as your favorite department stores, and usually they have the same things at the same time. Whenever I'm there I find myself walking through the aisles over and over to be sure I haven't missed a bargain. Everything that I have ever brought from there has been under $34.99, and some things have been as cheap ass $5.00! Here are a few of my new favorites:



A few things for Zahara $8.00-$12.99

My little Maxxinista! Blue shirt with tutu attached (it came with leggings) whole set on sale for under $10.00!

Follow @Tjmaxx and visit for special offers!
Thank me later ;)