Do You Lie About Reading Books?

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Ever lied about reading a book? Of course you have.

Buzzfeed published a pretty entertaining quiz that gives you a good luck on how often we lie about reading certain books.

I gave it a whirl and thought I’d share some of the results with you.

I’ve read Infinite Jest.

I haven’t read Great Expectations.

I haven’t read Gone Girl (though I watched it)

I have read To Kill A Mockingbird.

Confession: I haven’t read Moby Dick, but I’ve lied about reading it before.

I have read The Great Gatsby, and so have a lot of other people.

Notice the little change up on this one.

Now that’s funny.

According to the quiz, and based on the books asked about, people most often lie about having read The Great Gatsby at 13%. Atlas Shrugged is on the list, and who would actually lie about reading THAT?

What is it about books that makes us tempted to lie? Do we want to appear smarter and more “well read?” Few people will lie about having watched movies, so why do we lie about reading books?

It’s an interesting look into psychology, I think.

Have you ever lied about reading a book? Which one?

You can take the full quiz over at Buzzfeed.