One of the first steps to take when starting a business is to be clear about why you want to do it. I'm not just talking about money here. I'm talking about the why that will support you through challenges and keep you focused. The why that inspires you. The why that makes your spirit sing and your heart glow.
Are we talking about business here? Yes, we are!
If you think you are starting your business for money you are only partially right. Ask yourself what it would mean to have that money. Would you be able to use it to achieve a life time goal? Pay for your kid's college? Feel safe and secure? Keep asking until you find the deeper and more meaningful reason.
When your heart is engaged and there is an emotional connection - you have found your why. Write it out. Refine it. Make it a mantra that will inspire and guide you along your path. And, when it is complete, find a way to display it in your work environment and connect with it daily.
Let your why guide you. Stay connected to your deepest reasons for doing the work you do. It will inspire both you and your clients to greater success. This is what heart-centered business is all about.