Do You Know the Difference Between Rum and Rhum?

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Rum vsRhum: The Battle of the Bottles

“I pity them greatly, but I must be mum, for how could we do without sugar and rum”

William Cowper, English Poet

In the 14th Century, famous explorer Marco Polo wrote of tasting ‘a very good wine of sugar’.

Since then, rhum (and rum) has evolved to becomeone of the most popular liquors on the shelf. With the correct spelling causing cup-full’s of confusion, we have investigated the difference between Rhum and Rum to save your boozy blushes.

Today the spirit falls definitively into two categories: Demerara Rum and RhumAgricole

Demerara Rum:

Demerara Rum (rum made from molasses) is produced from fermenting molasses, resulting in a sweeter, rounder, and usually darker rum Demerara Rum is also commonly referred to as Rum Industriel or Rum Traditionnel


RhumAgricole is made from pressed sugarcane juice and yields a much lighter final product.Interestingly, a bottle of RhumAgricole is usually priced higher thanDemerara rum brands. Wyatt Peabody, writer for Punch online drinks magazine says, “You might be paying a little bit more but I might argue that what you get for that dollar is tremendously more than you get from molasses-based rum

Chris Singam, Founder of Cottons Caribbean Restaurant andRhum Shack, says, “Rum and Rhum are often mistaken for each other, but once people are explained the difference they can understand and appreciate each spirit’s unique qualities. Those who don’t enjoy drinking Rum may find they absolutely love Rhum! At Cottonswe will have over 300 different varieties of the spirit so there are plenty of options for our guests to choose from”

With over 30 years’ experience of serving authentic Caribbean cuisine, Cottons Restaurant and Rhum Shacks in Camden, Shoreditch and the newly opened Notting Hill offer a real buzz The bars stock the largest rum collection in the UK, with over 300 varieties available.

From Reggae Rum Punch to Killer Doppis to Piña Coladas, the Rhum Shacks shake up both classic and innovative cocktails using their own signature style and recipes.

Cottons Caribbean Restaurant and Rhum Shack