Do You Have to Look Like a Fitness Model to Be Fit and Healthy?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

The short answer to that is – no.

The long answer is nope 😉

The reason I felt compelled to write this is because, throughout my years in the health and fitness industry, it has become abundantly clear to me that too many of us confuse healthy-living with looking like a fitness model.

Now before I go on, let me clarify something…

I am NOT bashing fitness models – at all.

I find them inspiring.

We can look at what others have accomplished and use this as motivation.

There is also nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. It’s fine to want to shape your body into something that provides enthusiasm about shopping for clothes and enjoying the way you look in them.

The problem, however, is that the “image” of health and fitness has many of us confused with simply being healthy and fit.

So what’s the difference?

I’ll explain.

The Difference Between Being Healthy and Fit vs. The Image of Health and Fitness

When you take care of yourself by eating the right foods, staying properly hydrated and engaging in a safe and structured exercise program, your inner conversations have to do with self-love, self-respect and care.

Your activities are focused on overall well-being. You are conscious of your life and want to take care of your body.

However, when you diminish your self-worth because you feel as though you don’t measure up to the models you see in magazines, billboards and on television, your actions become a response to inner-turmoil.

You might even say things to yourself like, “my life would be so much better if I looked like her/him”. You’ve created a vertical structure of humans being better or worse than one another.

It creates an internal war because we’re measuring ourselves to someone else…

…someone we know nothing about.

The Truth About Fitness Models

People who become models to compete or to make a living have a completely different lifestyle than you probably do.

Their goals are different, and the amount of work they put into their routine is specifically designed to help them showcase their bodies to either be judged or to sell a product (even if it’s their own services).

Lastly, if you see them in print, chances are they’ve been “touched up” a bit. Not to say they aren’t in fabulous shape…but what you’re seeing may not be as authentic as it appears.

You, on the other hand, may have a different set of goals in mind.

You may simply want to feel good about yourself. You know you’d like to have more energy, stamina and most of all, an overall feeling of well-being.

Do you have the time and dedication to follow a very strict diet and training protocol?

Do you want to get paid for your appearance in one way or another?

If the answer is no, then chances are, you just want to be healthy.

You can do this by eating the right foods, engaging in regular physical activity and living a life that is a true reflection of who you really are.

While we assume that if we look a certain way, people will like us more and perhaps even want to date us – the reality of that is this…

People (the kind you actually want in your life) will be more attracted to your glowing skin, your smile and the light that shines through your eyes because you are at peace with yourself.

So What Does This Mean For You?

It’s a simple as this:

Just take good care of yourself.

Find joy in your exercise program, work out safely and be consistent. Work hard enough to sweat and have your muscles feel like jelly – even if it’s for 10-20 minutes.

  • Laugh.
  • Play.
  • Create.
  • Experiment with new recipes that include high quality, nutrient dense foods and eat them more often than anything else.
  • Love.

And go ahead and work on the body parts you’d like to see improvements on.

Just don’t compare yourself with those who do this for a living, or who have the time, dedication and motivation to work at a level that you aren’t compatible with – for whatever reason.

Healthy living isn’t an all or nothing ordeal.

Balance is always the key.

#Healthy living isn’t an all or nothing ordeal. #Balance is always the key.Click To Tweet

Be good to yourself and guard your inner conversations.

And watch how your body will transform into the best version of itself it can be.

Which will be unique to you – as it should be.

Over to you

Do you compare yourself to others?


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