Do You Dare to Be a Man?

By Familyfriends @familyfriends_

Today is the International Men’s day , dare we celebrate it? dare we show that we are men today? How hard is it to be a man in today’s society? We want to be successful in our jobs, have an interesting hobby, a modern and beautiful home and the best-looking car. We must be updated with the latest electronics gadgets. Be the best father and also a wonderful husband and lover. On top of that, we are also going to be able to bake a fluffy sponge cake. The pressure and influence from the society, the media and the neighbors is greater than ever.

It’s time for us men to dare to be men! Today is the International Men’s day , simply our day. The purpose of the day is to highlight the positive male role models, providing a focus on men’s health and well-being, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Unfortunately, there are too few male role models, and especially Christians, we should be in the TV sofas, radio programs and talk to young men about how to live an abundant life and not let Magazines, newspapers, so called Idols be the benchmark that advocates try everything and make it in the fast lane. I know one good Christian role model, Bear Grylls, and stand up for his faith, his family and is very clear that the things he do, he is called to do! We need more men like Bear, not just to live an adventures life, but to stand up for our faith. And God created us to be men, let us then take the first calling God gave us, to be men, serious.

We Christian men need to rise up and dare to be the men who God has called us to, strong, men who do not give up, who stands up for his wife, his children and the weak ones. Unfortunately I meet through our work too many men who have given up, they’re looking for satisfaction in the ego, pornography, materialism, gambling, or other non spiritually building activities. We also constantly hear from the women who yearn to her husband, to be just a man!

I want to see more men who dare to follow Jesus, who do not get scared when sea storms, who dares to stand up for their beliefs, who dares to follow Jesus.

I begin my journey to Dare to be the man God has called me to . I wonder will you follow me ?

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:9

Johan Odén