Ok, Americans are people that has no “superior/inferior” thinking, except that I’ve read enough of comments claiming Whites are superior to Chinese/Asians/Browns/Blacks etc., because of this and that…. Some even try to prove it is genetic.
Racial Talk Is Deeply Proscribed in White Culture
Yee, the whole conversation is proscribed. Racist talk is even more toxic that class stuff. But. You will probably find this talk about race more than other things, simply because underground racism is pretty common in the US. But the same people who make racist comments also make winner/loser comments about class and other things. The superior/inferior thinking naturally leads itself to racism and other isms, which is one reason it is so proscribed in White middle class culture.
In my White middle class culture, all of that talk is proscribed, especially the race talk.
But yes on the Net you will see a lot of racist thinking. But on White racist sites like American Renaissance and Stormfront, you will see a lot of racist posts but very few class based posts. That is because White middle class culture has sort of a prohibition against attacking other Whites on a class basis. And beyond that, among racist Whites, it is considered particularly egregious to attack your fellow Great White Man on a class basis. It’s nearly heresy.
Whites Do Not See Asians as Inferior At All
Most White Americans certainly do not see Whites as superior to Asians. That is minority thinking from out and out racists called White nationalists. They are not common, and most Whites hate them. Even among White nationalists, many of them are Asiaphiles. I am talking out and out Nazis here. There is a strain of White nationalism on the Left of the Alt Right called Asian Aryanism. It promotes a separate state for Whites and Asians, while the rest of the place is left to go Brazil.
The fact that it exists does not mean it is ok. If you think I can go out into this town I live in and start talking about how Whites are better – even to other Whites – you got another thing coming.
And even most of the Blacks and Hispanics around here do not think Asians are inferior.
I would wager that most humans period do not think Asians are inferior. Most humans think Asians are at least as good as the rest of us, and it is actually quite common to regard them as a superior race.
There is a group of White nationalists who openly admit that Asians are superior to Whites. However, it is sort of a “Whites are great, but Asians are even greater” type thing. They are comparing two elevated races and saying that one is a bit above the other, but it doesn’t really matter because differences among superior groups are not very important.