Do Whites Really See Themselves as Superior to Hispanics?

Posted on the 03 March 2018 by Calvinthedog

Not really.

A lot of Hispanics like to think so, but those people are victim addicts and grievance collectors. These people grab slights with the same gusto as a trashman gripping a bin.

You will not hear Whites talking much about how Hispanics are inferior. They are on various statistics, but the differences are not glaring, and most Whites see Hispanics as functioning well enough anyway.

Most Whites in California barely see Hispanics as a separate race because around here, they hardly are. This state used to be literally part of Mexico. We literally have Hispanic, often Mexican blood flowing through the very veins of this state and its people. You scratch a White Californian, and nowadays, you will often find some Hispanic background somewhere. There are so many of them, and Whites and Hispanics breed together pretty easily.

A certain commenter from the Midwest does not seem to like Hispanics much, but that is because he didn’t grow up with them.

He also remarks a lot about their Indian features, which are prominent to him, as he didn’t evolve in his life with these folks. Here in California, you never remark about Indian features in Hispanic people it is considered rude and many Mexicans to this day think it is shameful or a mark of inferiority.

In Hispanic culture, the whole conversation is semi-banned, proscribed and underground if it exists at all. If you bring it up in public, Hispanics get visibly uncomfortable. Indian blood is part of their quotidian lives, but they simply blot that fact out and refuse to see it. The Mexican government’s promotion of a mystical lie called mestizaje – nearly literal race denial – assists in making this topic not only off-limits but semi-invisible.

On the other hand, Whiter Hispanics are quite proud of their Whiter features. This holds true especially for Mexicans. Some White Mexicans think the very idea of Whiteness is rude, but others will quite proudly tell you how White they are. One woman I know was literally named Blanca, or White. She told me that the state her people came from – Jalisco – had a lot of Whiter folks in it. And I have seen a lot of White Mexicans from Jalisco.

Others will give you a broad smile and mention their illustrious Spanish ancestry.

I knew one guy who was so stuck up about his Whiteness and assumed class superiority that he literally stated that he was not Mexican, even though he was born in Mexico as an actual fact. He explained to me in some dubious logic how he was actually a Spaniard, not a Mexican, despite being born in Mexico.

He also said he went to Spain a lot and had relatives there – this is common not only among White Mexicans but among White Peruvians, Colombians and other South Americans. I knew a Colombian woman who actually spent about half her time in Spain.

This man also talked about how he spoke the real, true, pure Castilian Spanish of Spain. He pointed to some mestizos nearby and said most Mexicans had crap Spanish – it  was full of English words, he said with disdain. The mestizas he was pointing at glared at him.

He was broaching the Great Unmentionable – race in Mexico.

And the attitude of this man shows you how ethnicity can transcend and trump nationality. This fellow was born in Mexico, but he identified himself by his heritage – Spaniard – rather than his nationality.