Do What You Love, If Only for Yourself.

By Zach Zine @Int_In_Debt

Alan Watts is awesome, if only for the fact that he is incredibly articulate and has an amazingly soothing voice.  Beyond that, though, what he says has so much meaning for those of us out there who are doing things outside the norm.  For us, we sometimes struggle with the prospect of mounds and mounds of debt chaining us down, but then we remember that we are doing something we truly want to do.  Is it hard at times?  You better believe it.  But, after all, that’s not the point.  We’d rather live a life that is both invigorating and, at times, very difficult than live a life that is comfortable and bland.

Do what you love to do.  Do it not because it makes you money, but because it makes you happy.  Do it not because it is expected, but because it is your expectation to live a life that is as close to your dreams as you can make it.