Do We Need Microsoft On Our Post-PC Devices?

Posted on the 10 November 2012 by Spencerinc @spencerincorp

Microsoft Office Word

The Verge reported "Microsoft will release Office versions for Android and iOS in early 2013" this Wednesday. This is an app that had a very high demand but, Microsoft have not conjured up an app until now. Has this come three years too late for it to be competitive?
We have coped without Microsoft for long enough on our handheld devices. Android now has Google Drive which is a sleek and very useful piece of free software that sync's with all of your Google devices. Apple has Pages which offers a very powerful word processor with some very nice functions an features.
So, why? why now? If this app was made back in the time when we thought we could never live without word, when nothing else could compete, we would have welcomed this with open arms. However, I believe that we have passed the point of wanting or needing this app. Windows seems to be clinging at any chance of survival in the mobile world and it is resulting in software that is outdated with stronger, better and cheaper competitors. Time will tell whether it succeeds in the pockets of the masses or is thrown out onto the street.