Do We Care About the Oscars? The Judge

By Newguy

Do We Care About the Oscars?

The idea behind this is to look back at every single film that was nominated for,

·   Best Picture

·   Best Actor

·   Best Actress

·   Best Supporting Actor

·   Best Supporting Actress

·   Best Director

 By looking back at these I will be asking the questions below to find out whether this is a film to be watched or not. This is not a full review and if I have seen the film in question I will give my rating of said film. I will also not be comparing or suggesting any other films that could or should have won this is just looking at a film and seeing if it still stands in the memory.

Film: The Judge

Oscar Wins: Zero.

Oscar Nominations: 1 Best Supporting Actor

Have I Seen It?

No, Why Not? I have only heard mixed things about the film and didn’t really get much advertisement in UK.

Will I Watch It? Yes I will one day it is getting closer to the top of my pile.

Should Everyone Have Seen It? I do think this film feels like it should only be watched if you like the style of film and it won’t appeal to the masses.

Most Memorable Part? When I see it I will tell you.

Do We Care It Got Oscar Attention? I do feel this nomination for Robert Duvall is more out of respect for the actor over the performance itself.

Well I don’t have too many comic references here with just Ironman defending Tom from the Godfather.