Do’s and Don’ts of SMS Marketing

Posted on the 25 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

Are you considering using SMS marketing as a way to reach your customers? If so, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this post, we’ll share some do’s and don’ts of SMS marketing so that you can get the most out of this powerful channel. Read on to learn more!


Personalize Your Messages

One of the best things about SMS marketing is sending personalized messages to your subscribers. This is ideal for companies who have opted-in individuals on their customer list instead of using a general broadcast list. For example, if you own an apparel store, it wouldn’t make sense to pitch swim trunks to someone who has opted-in to your SMS marketing list for snowboards.

Ensure Your Messages Are Mobile Friendly

As more and more people are using smartphones to browse the web, it’s vital that your messages can be easily viewed on mobile devices especially when using a text marketing service. Keep this in mind as you write your message copy and design templates so that individuals can read through them quickly. Mobile-friendly text is easily viewable with any background color or image. If you’re unsure how your SMS marketing will look on a mobile device, test it out before sending to make sure it looks great!

Keep It Short and Sweet

Brevity is essential for effective SMS marketing. There are 160 characters allowed per message, so it’s best to get straight to the point in your SMS marketing efforts. Use keywords and phrases that will resonate with your subscribers, but don’t go overboard! Make sure you leave enough room for a short call-to-action so individuals can take action on what you have sent them. Short messages are easy-to-read, so individuals are more likely to do so.

Keep Track and optimize Messages.

The beauty of SMS marketing is reaching your subscribers wherever they are. This means you should keep track of where individuals receive messages and what days/times work best for engagement. As with any form of digital marketing, it’s essential to test out different strategies and see what works best for your company. Keeping track is ideal for future campaigns, so you can keep your SMS marketing in line with what works best!


Spam Customers

It’s important to remember that you should never spam your customers. This includes sending them messages without an opted-in request and sending too many messages in a short time frame. Be sure to have an ‘unsubscribe’ option in each of your messages, so individuals can quickly leave your list if they wish. Spamming customers can lead to complaints, so keep this in mind as you utilize SMS marketing for your business.

As you avoid spamming your customers, it’s also important to avoid putting them into groups. Create one list to send all messages to so you can effectively communicate with individuals without segregating them.

Send Irrelevant Messages

As mentioned above, it’s essential to ensure that your messages are mobile-friendly and personalized per customer. When writing SMS marketing copy, use language that resonates with the individual opting to receive them. Sending irrelevant messages can cause your customers to unsubscribe, which will hurt your SMS marketing efforts. Be sure you know who is opting-in to receive your notifications before sending out bulk text!

Use All Caps or Too Many Exclamation Marks

People avoid all-caps and messages with too many exclamation marks. Keep this in mind as you write your SMS marketing message, and use it sparingly to keep your customers engaged. Punctuation marks can bring more excitement and emphasis, but don’t overdo it. Using all caps can appear as though you’re shouting and thus be off-putting to individuals sending in responses.

Forget the Call to Action

SMS marketing is about growing your business, so be sure to include a call-to-action in each message you send. This could be asking them to visit your website or click through to an article you have linked. While the primary goal of SMS marketing is to get individuals on your email list, it can also be used to generate leads from your SMS marketing efforts.

In addition to these do’s and don’ts, it’s also essential that you do some research before getting started with SMS marketing. Ensure you know which carriers are available in your area and how much it may cost you to send a bulk text through each one. This will help keep your SMS marketing efforts profitable.

The post Do’s and Don’ts of SMS marketing first appeared on Technology Magazine.